# SceneScript Class IAnimation
This class represents a timeline property animation.
# Properties
# fps: Number (readonly)
The frames-per-second of the animation.
# frameCount: Number (readonly)
The total number of frames of this animation.
# duration: Number (readonly)
The duration in seconds of this animation.
# name: String (readonly)
The custom name of this animation.
# rate: Number
The speed factor of the animation.
# Functions
# play(): void
Continues or starts playing the animation if it was paused or stopped.
# stop(): void
Stops the animation and reverts to the beginning.
# pause(): void
Pauses the animation at the current position.
# isPlaying(): Boolean
Returns whether the animation is currently playing or if it is paused or stopped.
# getFrame(): Number
Get the current frame of the animation.
# setFrame(frame: Number): void
Set the animation to the specified frame.