# SceneScript Class IModelLayer
This class provides access to functions specific to 3D model layers.
# Properties
# perspective: Boolean
Controls the perspective rendering option.
# rootmotion: Boolean
If the model is playing an animation that supports root motion, you can disable and enable movement from root motion with this property. It's enabled by default.
# Functions
# playSingleAnimation(animation: String|Object, config?: Object): IAnimationLayer
Create a new animation layer by animation name or JSON config. Only play the animation once, then remove it automatically. See IAnimationLayer for config options.
# getAnimationLayerCount(): Number
Get the number of animation layers currently used on this layer.
# getAnimationLayer(name: String|Number): IAnimationLayer
Get an existing animation layer object by name or index.
# createAnimationLayer(animation: String|Object): IAnimationLayer
Create a new animation layer by animation name or JSON config.
# destroyAnimationLayer(animationLayer: String|Object|IAnimationLayer): Boolean
Remove an existing animation layer by name, index or IAnimationLayer object reference.