# SceneScript Class ITextLayer

This class provides access to functions specific to text layers.

# Properties

# text: String

The text that will be displayed.

# color: Vec3

The text color.

# alpha: Number

The opacity of the text.

# opaquebackground: Boolean

Adds an opaque background to the text.

# backgroundcolor: Vec3

Sets the background color.

# pointsize: Number

Size of the font in points.

# font: String

File path of the active font.

# padding: Number

Padding in pixels. This increases the geometry around the font characters and may be useful for certain effects.

# horizontalalign: String

Horizontal text alignment: left, center, right.

# verticalalign: String

Vertical text alignment: center, top, bottom.

# anchor: String

Dynamic screen anchor: none, center, top, topright, right, bottomright, bottom, bottomleft, left, topleft.

# limitrows: Boolean

Enable row limit.

# maxrows: Number

Max number of rows.

# limitwidth: Boolean

Enable width limit.

# maxwidth: Number

Max width in pixels.