# SceneScript Class MediaPropertiesEvent
This object describes a media properties event that will be fired when the currently playing media session in Windows changes. The available members depend on the application firing the event. Typically only title, artist and contentType will be available, all other data points may be unavailable. Your wallpaper should only support these optionally and it should not break if any of the data points are not supplied.
# Properties
# title: String
Title of the currently playing media.
# artist: String
Artist of the currently playing media.
# contentType: String
The type of media, can either be music, video or image.
# albumTitle: String
Optional: Album title of the currently playing media.
# subTitle: String
Optional: Subtitle of the currently playing media.
# albumArtist: String
Optional: Album artist of the currently playing media.
# genres: String
Optional: Comma separated list of genres describing the currently playing media.