# SceneScript Event init

This event function will be called shortly after the object that owns the script has been created. It's useful for modifying or retrieving the initial value of a property for example. Since the update() function is called many times per second, you should try and place any code in the init() function that does not need to be recalculated every frame to optimize performance.

Wallpaper Engine will attempt to convert any numeric return values to Vec2 and Vec3 if you are working on a property that expects these return types. For example, if you return 2 on the Scale property, Wallpaper Engine will first convert the value to Vec3(2, 2, 2) so that it matches the return type the Scale property expects.

# Example Usage

In the following example, we use the init() event to store the initial value of the user property in a variable called initialValue. This has the advantage that the code in the update() function uses the position of our element in the editor as a starting point. Alternatively, we could also just hard-code a value for initialValue.y in the update() function.



'use strict';
let initialValue;
 * @param {Vec3} value - for property 'origin'
 * @return {Vec3} - update current property value
export function update(value) {
	value.y = initialValue.y + (Math.sin(engine.runtime) * 100);
	return value;
 * @param {Vec3} value - for property 'origin'
 * @return {Vec3} - update current property value
export function init(value) {
    initialValue = value;
	return value;

You can choose to not return any value, then the property will not be modified.