# Modifying Colors with SceneScript

In this guide, we explain how you can use SceneScript to modify the colors of an object. We also explain how to utilize the WEColor module to easily shift through colors instead of having to manually deal with RGB values. As always, this is just an example implementation, you can modify the colors in much more complex ways and create your own custom behavior.

# Color Properties and SceneScript

Wallpaper Engine offers a color property that you can find throughout various assets in the editor, you can also add a distinct Tint effect to image layers for more complex scenarios.

The color property in Wallpaper Engine is always represented by a Vec3 object. The three properties represent the three RGB color channels:

  • x: Red Color Channel
  • y: Green Color Channel
  • z: Blue Color Channel

You can modify these RGB values with SceneScript to your liking, the values range from 0 to 255.

# Rainbow Color Example

To implement this example in your own project, select an image layer in your wallpaper. Then click on the cogwheel icon next to its Color property and select Bind SceneScript to bind a script to the color property and to view the SceneScript editor.

# Utilizing the WEColor Module

SceneScript comes with the WEColor module which holds a few utility functions to make it easier to work with colors. In our example, we want to constantly shift the colors. Implementing this with just the red, green and blue color channels is rather tedious. For this reason, it makes sense to work on the HSV representation of our color instead of the standard RGB representation.

If you are unfamiliar with HSV, it represents each color with three components: Hue, Saturation and Value. The Hue value represents the color on its own which makes it very convenient for our use-case, as we simply have to modify the Hue value instead of having to deal with red, green and blue color values.

We start by importing the WEColor module into our script:

import * as WEColor from 'WEColor';

In the update() function, we now utilize the WEColor.hsv2rgb() function to generate new RGB values for our color on each frame. The WEColor.hsv2rgb() function takes a Vec3 object as an argument which we generate on-the-fly as follows:

	value = WEColor.hsv2rgb({
		x: engine.runtime * 0.25,
		y: 1,
		z: 1

As you can see, we mainly care about the x value here, which represents the Hue value of our color. We simply increase this number along with the engine.runtime variable. The engine.runtime variable constantly increases as long as the wallpaper is loaded, so we have an infinite color shift. In our example, we have multiplied the engine.runtime value with 0.25 to slow it down a bit, you can modify this value to your liking and either increase or further decrease this value.

We leave the Saturation and Value represented by y and z unchanged at their maximum value of 1.

# Full Rainbow Color Solution

You can find the full solution below. We have moved the speed factor into a new constant value named RAINBOW_SPEED at the top of the script to make it easier to read and modify and we did the same for the saturation and brightness levels of our HSV color. After modifying the value, we simply return it and our color property will now shift through all colors in a constant speed.

'use strict';
import * as WEColor from 'WEColor';
const RAINBOW_SPEED = 0.25;
 * @param {Vec3} value
export function update(value) {
	value = WEColor.hsv2rgb({
		x: engine.runtime * RAINBOW_SPEED,
	return value;


You can conveniently access this example in the SceneScript code editor by clicking on Snippets at the top, followed by Replace Script and then Rainbow Color. This will replace all your existing code for your current element with the rainbow example from above.