# Property Translation

You can create translations for your properties and property values to make your web wallpaper more accessible to a global audience. Wallpaper Engine will dynamically load the appropriate language according to the language configured in the General tab of the Wallpaper Engine settings.

It is a little advanced as it requires you to access the project.json that Wallpaper Engine automatically generates into your project directory, so make sure to not break any JSON syntax while you edit it.

To translate properties, open up the project.json and add a new object localization next to properties. This object holds members with the shorthand notation for each language (check the files in the locale directory in the wallpaper_engine installation directory for all currently available languages).

Next up, you need to change all property labels and property option labels into tokens that start with ui_. For example, in the combo property below, we have changed the title of the property to "ui_backgroundcolor" and the labels to "ui_background_color_red", "ui_background_color_green" and "ui_background_color_blue".


Make sure to all labels start with ui_, otherwise Wallpaper Engine will not recognize them as translatable tokens.

In the next step, we have created three blocks for translations in the aforementioned new localization object:

One block for English (en-us), one for German (de-de) and one for Simplified Chinese (zh-chs). In the final step, add the translations for each string for each language and save the project.json. The changes should become visible the next time you apply the wallpaper in the Installed tab of the app (a restart of the user interface may be necessary to load new translations).





    "file" : "index.html",
    "general" : 
        "properties" : 
            "backgroundcolor" : 
                "index" : 0,
                "options" : 
                        "label" : "ui_background_color_red",
                        "value" : "255 0 0"
                        "label" : "ui_background_color_green",
                        "value" : "0 255 0"
                        "label" : "ui_background_color_blue",
                        "value" : "0 0 255"
                "order" : 100,
                "text" : "ui_backgroundcolor",
                "type" : "combo",
                "value" : "255 0 0"
        "localization" : 
            "en-us" :
                "ui_backgroundcolor" : "Background color",
                "ui_background_color_red" : "Red",
                "ui_background_color_green" : "Green",
                "ui_background_color_blue" : "Blue"
            "de-de" :
                "ui_backgroundcolor" : "Hintergrundfarbe",
                "ui_background_color_red" : "Rot",
                "ui_background_color_green" : "Grün",
                "ui_background_color_blue" : "Blau"
            "zh-chs" :
                "ui_backgroundcolor" : "背景颜色",
                "ui_background_color_red" : "红色",
                "ui_background_color_green" : "绿色",
                "ui_background_color_blue" : "蓝色"
    "title" : "Test Project",
    "type" : "web"